Henry J. Guarnere | 1st Armored Division

T/5 Henry J. Guarnere
47th Armored Medical Battalion
1st ‘Old Ironsides’ Armored Division

Henry Guarnere était originaire de Pennsylavie. Lorsque la guerre commence, Henry essaye de s’engager dans les Marines mais est recaler. Il s’engage alors dans l’armée et devient infirmier dans le 47th Armored Medical Battalion de la 1st Armored Division. Henry est de nature, médecin. Il a toujours était le docteur de la maison.
La 1st Armored Division débarque à Oran en Afrique du Nord le 8 novembre 1942. Durant la campagne d’Afrique du Nord, Henry Guarnere est décoré de la Silver Star pour avoir sauvé un soldat blessé sous le feu ennemi
La Division se bat ensuite en Sicile, puis débarque à Salerno où les combats de Cassino s’engagent et sont d’une violence inouïe.
Le premier combat de taille de la 1st Armored Division en italie est durant la bataille du Monte Porchia et Henry Guarnere meurt le 6 janvier 1944 dans la confusion et le chaos de la bataille, sans doute lors d’une contre-attaque ennemie.
Henry Guarnere était le frère de William Guarnere, ce dernier ayant combattu dans la Easy Company du 506th PIR de la 101st Airborne Division.

Henry Guarnere was from Pennsylavie.When the war began, he tried to enlist in the Marines but was turned down. Then he was drafted into the Army.
Henry became a medic in the 47th Armored Medical Battalion of the 1st Armored Division. Henry was a natural medical corpsman, as he was always practiced fixing and healing at home.
The 1st Armored Division landed in Oran in North Africa on November 8, 1942. During the North African campaign, Henry Guarnere was awarded the Silver Star for rescuing a wounded soldiers under fire.
The Division then beat in Sicily and landed at Salerno to Cassino, where fighting enganet and are of unheard violence.
The first 1st Armored Division sized battle in Italy is during the Battle of Monte Porchia and Henry is killed on the 6th of January 1944 in the confusion and chaos of battle, probably during an enemy counter-attack.
Henry Guarnere was the brother of William Guarnere, the latter having fought in the Easy Company of the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne Division.