1st row : 1. Jack W. Dallas, 2. William « Bill » Brannan, 3. Joseph « Joe » Dimauro, 4. Edward « Ed » Globokar, 5. Manual R. Camacho, 6. Glen Mizner, 7. Jack Parr, 8. Billye E. Dailey, 9. Johnnie C. Moore, 10. William E. Whilhoit, 11. Leslie Kirkpatrick, 12. Red Naldrett, 13. Carl J. Kiefer, 14. Nolte, 15. Marshall, 16. Inconnu, 17. Pat Cross, 18. Inconnu, 19. Richard Lansing, 20. Jack B. Smothers, 21. 1st Sgt. George Hopkins, 22. Louis A. Peppito, 23. Nelsen, 24. Robert F. Coe, 25. Dlbow, 26. Bill Harris, 27. Eddie, 28. Richard Collister, 29. Zoltan A. Kollat, 30. William « Bud » Hatten, 31. Ralph W. Harmon, 32. Robert E. Davis, 33. Hu Webb, 34. Chester Doboshinski, 35. George A. Sullivan, 36. Paul Lefrowicz, 37. Harry R. Cummines, 38. Virgil F. Dunlevy, 39. Donald A. Eastman, 40. Glen « Slim » Duermeyer, 41. « Chief »,

2nd row : 42. Buck, 43. Inconnu, 44. Inconnu, 45. Robert ‘Bob’ Steel, 46. Donald L. Knapp, 47. Gustafson, 48. Ernst, 49. Jack Boot, 50. Arlo E. Mildenstein, 51. George M. Fliger, 52. Inconnu, 53. Donald W. Vaughn, 54. Charles Critchlow, 55. Frank Groinich, 56. Martin, 57. O’Halloran, 58. Inconnu, 59. Inconnu, 60. Lt. William Likes Jr., 61. Lt. Young, 62. Lt. Marshall McDonald, 63. Capt. Bowlby, 64. Lt. Volk, 65. John Dugrn, 66. Lt. Charles LaChaussee, 67. Lt. Broudy, 68. Hunt, 69. William Gallagher, 70. Anderson, 71. William ‘Bill’ Davis Jr., 72. Hans M. Hansen, 73. Arnold Taddeucci, 74. Hawkin Berry, 75. Thompson, 76. Malcolm ‘Red’ Evans, 77. Wayne Eby, 78. Inconnu, 79. Joe Chobot, 80. Bannister, 81. Link, 82. Richard A. Jamme, 83. Albert E. Boyer, 84. Jay P. Castello, 85. Inconnu, 86. Bickford, 87. Inconnu, 88. Pappy Anderson, 89. Conlan, 90. John Briggs,

3rd row : 91. Richard « Dick » Eaton, 92. Bickford, 93. Inconnu, 94. Ollie Brown, 95. Inconnu, 96. Roger Zingelman, 97. Albert A. Delgado, 98. Marlow Jasper, 99. Inconnu, 100. John H. Kangas, 101. Inconnu, 102. Melvin Trenary, 103. Joseph Blackwell, 104. Inconnu, 105. Inconnu, 106. Inconnu, 107. William Mitchell, 108. Gerald ‘Jerry’ Wolf, 109. Mango, 110. Stumpy Baker, 111. Otto M. Anderson, 112. Guacione, 113. Inconnu, 114. . Inconnu, 115. . Inconnu, 116. Inconnu, 117. Harold D. Seegar, 118. Inconnu, 118. Inconnu, 119. Eugene Parsche, 120.  Morrow, 121. Sylvain L. Olsen, 122. Woodruff, 123. Chester Korcherspergner,

4th row : 124. Gibbs, 125. Inconnu, 126. Coe,  127. Jack Drewry, 128. Inconnu, 129. Harold E. Parsons,  130. Arthur J. Glick , 131. Inconnu, 132. Gagnon, 133. Inconnu, 134. Barney Hekkala, 135. Philip Distanislao, 136. Zoot Snyder, 137. Carroll, 138. James V. Guarante, 139. M Lyle Loucks, 140. Larry Carnes, 141. Raymond Lincoln, 142. Kitty Karr, 143. Albert Wise, 144. Melvin McLey, 145. Francis Ruddy.



1st row : 3. Nate Rubenstein

2nd row : 41. John S. Hopkins




1st row : 37. C. B. Jones

2nd row : 81. Eugene Brissey 83. Robert L. Morris

3rd row : 102. Daniel Medonich, 103. Landrum R. Landreth


1st row : 1. K. C. Anderson, 2. Coleman, 3. Gueverra, 4. Hornak, 5. Olsen, 6. Howard, 7. Traver, 8. McAndrew, 9. Fedock, 10, Lewis, 11. Hibben, 12. Maver, 13. Posey, 14. Robert Sundberg, 15. Hess, 16. O’Brien, 17, Adelman, 18. J. Anderson, 19. Cpl. Joseph H. Bucher, 20. Levy, 21. Aradons, 22. Perhais, 23. Bland, 24, Delahunt, 25. Inconnu, 26. Techman, 27, Ellis, 28. Pfc. Paul R. Cook, 29. Davis, 30. Samoska, 31. Inconnu, 32. Mazuka, 33. Gibbs, 34. Inconnu, 35. Inconnu, 36. Ridout, 37. Inconnu, 38. Inconnu, 39. Baker, 40. Burrows, 41. Inconnu, 42. Inconnu, 43. Inconnu, 44. Young.

2nd row : 45. Inconnu, 46. Cpl. Martin B. Ness, 47. Shelton, 48. Inconnu, 49. Hinan, 50. Inconnu, 51. Whril, 52. Newlin, 53. Dahlberg, 54. Wright, 55. Trevino, 56. Rommel, 57. Matson, 58. Musciani, 59. Carte, 60. Erickson, 61. Funkenbush, 62. Fries, 63. Gilbert, 64. Peacock, 65. Riddle, 66. Danner, 67. Jones, 68. McKinley, 69. George E. Giuchici, 70. McCullum, 71. Lissnner, 72. Volchak, 73. Inconnu, 74. Thomas, 75. Davis, 76. Penturf. 77. Inconnu, 78. Williams, 79. Williams R. Genttleman, 80. Cooper, 81. Perkowski, 82. Inconnu, 83. Inconnu, 84. Inconnu, 85. Inconnu, 86. Inconnu, 87. Sherman, 88. Webb, 89. Inconnu, 90. Chester A. Wells,

3rd row : 91. Allard, 92. Bush, 93. Inconnu, 94. Turner, 95. Martin, 96. Whack, 97. Cole, 98. Gleisner, 99. Lamb, 100. Kinder, 101. Terrell, 102. Inconnu, 103. Singleton, 104. Kovals, 105. Inconnu, 106. Pacey, 107. Pearce, 108. Reed, 109. Ross, 110. Hill, 111. Inconnu, 112. Bolt, 113. Lynch, 114. Inconnu, 115. Brazee, 116. Jewel, 117. Bunce, 118. Inconnu, 119. Spears, 120. Inconnu, 121. Inconnu, 122. Inconnu, 123. Jonietz, 124. Inconnu, 125. Coyner, 126. Inconnu, 127. Inconnu, 128. Walton, 129. Inconnu, 130. Shanneyfelt, 131. Boone, 132. Varner, 133. Inconnu, 134. Sowell, 135. Inconnu, 136. Inconnu, 137. Inconnu, 138. Meyden, 139. Kuzmier, 140. Gellet, 141. Inconnu, 142. Inconnu, 143. 144. Whitehead, 145. Baniss, 146. Inconnu, 147. Inconnu.


1st row : 1. Bauer, 2. Felton, 3. Bell, 4. Welsh, 5. Podolak, 6. Jones, 7. Nolesar (?), 8. Goloran, 9. Lt. Largan, 10. Capt. Joseph McGeever, 11. Lt. Pierce, 12. Lt. Maciag, 13. Chico, 14. Creel, 15. Darrow, 16. Craig, 17. Wakeman, 18. Bonk, 19. Balmutn, 20. Inconnu, 21. Inconu, 22. Hiland, 23. Bauer

2nd row : 24. Esposito, 25. Allen, 26. Kovach, 27. Skovera, 28. Miller, 29. O’Brien, 30. Dempsey, 31. Boska, 32. Recker, 33. Gren, 34. McCarty, 35. 1st Sgt. Mitchel, 36. Granger, 37. Hayes, 38. Ferguson, 39. Thompson, 40. Garcia, 41. Howe, 42. Demko, 43. Cole, 44. Finain (?), 45. Gabbard, 46. Shepard, 47. Davis, 48. Donald Chaulk, 49. Boyer

3rd row : 50. Schoening, 51. Crow, 52. Meline, 53. Embry, 54. Bayczyk, 55. Pazurto, 56. Gomber, 57. Mair, 58. Hampton, 59. Chuderwit, 60. Weil, 61. Castiglione, 62. Brogdan (POW), 63. Bell, 64. Felix O. Ferra, 65. Salinas, 66. Rawlings, 67. Young, 68. Frederick, 69. La Rue, 70. Hobson, 71. Barnes, 72. Horne


1st row : 9. 1st Lt. Arthur W. Ridler, 10. Capt. Grant Hooper, 11. 1st Lt. McElroy 12. 1st Lt. Howard Hensleigh

2nd row : 27 . Jesse Goswick (KIA)




1st row : 2. Woodrow McQuaid, 8. Marvin Moles, 14. Capt. Marty Fastia, 16. 1st Lt. Floyd A. ‘Stozie’ Stott, 24. Fred Beyer, 2nd row : 41. Dick Barrell,
4th row : 79. Tony Celli (KIA)


13 réponses

  1. Robert H Hopkins dit :

    A company #21 1st Sgt. George Hopkins

  2. NC Carlson dit :

    3rd Batallion
    G Company
    Trooper # 47
    Staff Sgt. Jerome V. Callahan, [Chicago}
    Discharge rank Capt.

  3. juliana Stonis dit :

    For the picture « H Company », Soldier #1 is my Dad, John A. Stonis.

  4. Robert E Lofthouse SR dit :

    Looking for any information or photo on Gordon Lippman, who was a Tech Sgt in HQ, 1BN.

  5. Thomas Hertzel dit :

    E Company, #25 in the front row:, Second Lieutenant Paul E. Craig.
    I have the original of this photograph

  6. JD dit :

    G Company second row #33 is my grandfather Allen H. Douglas

  7. James Growney dit :

    Is your book translated to English? I am afraid my French sucks.

  8. Trevor Miling dit :

    Does anybody have any info on Cpl. Edward J. Lang of C Company? Any photos or stories?
    He was my mother’s uncle

  9. John Hagemier dit :

    Does anyone have a roster of I company. Number 50 looks like my father but the photo would have to been around the 1944. His name was John Hagemier.

  10. Diane Medonich dit :

    E Company, 3rd Row: 102. Daniel Medonich

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